Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Getting Ready for Christmas

We have been very busy preparing for Christmas. Last Friday we went and picked out our Christmas tree. Rilee was much more interested in looking at the statues of pigs and other animals. Here she is petting one of those pig statures.

Then on Saturday when Daddy got home from work we put the Christmas tree up. Rilee liked helping with the lights and attempting to put ornaments on the tree. By the end of the night she figured out that the best way for her to help would be to take the ornament from Dad and pass it to Mom who then put it on the tree.

On Sunday we went to see Santa. Rilee loves to look at pictures of Santa and read about him in her books. She can even tell you that Santa says "Ho Ho Ho." But, when she went to sit on his lap she was not a fan! She HATED Santa. After she stopped crying we went around and looked at all the other things at Bass Pro Shop. She eventually calmed down and even enjoyed breakfast at Cracker Barrel.

Sunday evening we went over to Grambo and Poppy's to decorate their tree. It was a weekend full of Christmas preparation!

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