Thursday, December 29, 2011

5 Days of Christmas

Our Christmas started on Thursday evening and lasted until Monday. Rilee made it all the way through the 5 days of our Christmas. She must have been a very good girl this year because she got a lot of gifts! Mom and Dad really enjoyed watching Rilee open all of her gifts and interacting and playing with her family. It was a great 5 days and now that Christmas is over we are all having a lot of fun playing with all of Rilee's new toys!

Thursday Evening at Aunt Wanda's (actually Great Great Aunt Wanda's)
Rilee is putting on her chap stick or lip lip as she calls it.

Friday Afternoon at Great Uncle Kevin's and Great Aunt Judy's

Rilee and Lilliann reading with Aunt Ashlee

Talking with a Rilee sized Santa, or Ho Ho in Rilee language.

Opening presents

Playing with Lilliann's band

Everyone was surprised when Mom and Shannon brought the girls out in their MATCHING pajamas, and no that was not planned!

Busy playing with all of her new presents

Saturday Afternoon at Home
Rilee refused to take a nap without her new elephant that she got from Hollie and Dave Friday night. The elephant is a stuffed animal/pillow and when you unfold the pillow an extremely soft blanket unrolls as well. Rilee demanded to have the stuffed elephant by her as well as having to be covered up by the blanket. (Great gift Hollie and Dave)

Saturday Evening at Great Great Aunt Bonnie's (Christmas Eve)
Story time with Poppy

Christmas Morning at Home
Santa brought Rilee a new kitchen, a set of blocks, a giraffe, a dinosaur, several new books, a puzzle that makes animal sounds, and several sets of new sippy cups.

The first thing Rilee played with was her phone on her new kitchen. She immediately called Bo Bo to tell her about her new gift.

Christmas Morning at Grambo and Big Poppy's

One of Rilee's favorite gifts was her Talking Zoo from Aunt Ashlee and Uncle Bill. All of the animals make sounds, there is a slide they can all go down, and even a tree swing. Rilee was an especially good girl in Grambo, Poppy, Aunt Ashlee, and Uncle Bill's eyes because she got a TON of presents from them. She is one spoiled little girl! Mom is rather stressed trying to find places for all of her new toys!

Christmas Afternoon at Grandpa Pops'
Rilee loved the kitty cat and had to follow her all over the house.

Mom and Dad bought the kids a Guitar Hero Band for the XBox. Of course everyone had to try it out, even Rilee helping Dad on the drums!

Monday afternoon at Great Grandma's
We spent most of day at Great Grandma's where Rilee opened even more presents! Here she is playing with her hammer and nails.

How many adults does it take to put together a nursery set?

Rilee loves playing with her babies, so the nursery was a great idea!

Rilee got a puzzle holder equipped with 4 new puzzles from Great Aunt Karen and Great Uncle Don. She's showing Grambo all of them!

Story time with Uncle Bill

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