Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween

Just like last year Rilee had several Halloween outfits. She wore the first one on the Wednesday before Halloween on her day with Dad. Then she wore the next outfit on Saturday while she hung out with Mom. Rilee wore her third outfit to church on Sunday and then to Great Grandma's house for dinner.

Playing with Grambo

Rilee loved sitting in her toy basket at Great Grandma's. Great Aunt Karen even gave her rides in the basket!

Finally, Halloween came and Rilee got to be an elephant! We had quite a crowd this year. Grambo, Poppy, Great Aunt Cindy, Cousin Ashley, Uncle Nate, Aunt Vita, Baby Layla, Shane, Shavon, and Shane Jr all came to our house. Here's Rilee and Brutus patiently waiting for everyone to get to the house!

Since Rilee was too little to carve her own pumpkin this year Mom and Dad let her paint it. She loved it! She did get it all over, good thing Mom had her paint in only her diaper! Then when we went to Great Grandma's house Poppy helped her carve a 2nd pumpkin. Poppy did the carving, but Rilee helped clean out all of the seeds. Again, Mom thought it would be a good idea to have her carve her pumpkin in only her diaper.

Rilee loved watching the kids trick-or-treating at our house. Mom and Dad thought Rilee was still too young to trick-or-treat, but she still had a great night! She even hugged a random little boy that was dressed as Elmo. Unfortunatly, Mom did not have her camera ready!

Rilee, Shane Jr., and Layla all made it for most of the night, but at about 7:15 it started getting pretty cold so the kids and the moms all came inside. Rilee loved showing Shane Jr. all of her toys. It was a great night!

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