Sunday, October 23, 2011

Pumpkin Path At The Zoo

On Saturday Rilee, Mom, Dad, Grambo, and Poppy went to the pumpkin path at the zoo. Rilee got dressed up in her Halloween costume and had a GREAT time. Rilee's favorite animal is the elephant so that is what she dressed up as. She made elephant noises all throughout the zoo. Rilee made a really good elephant!

The seals and polar bear

Waiting for the safari train

Riding the train
Rilee did a lot of pointing, calling, and yelling to all of the animals we saw on the train.

Having a few apple slices while sitting on the Halloween displays. Rilee loved looking at the pumpkins and the scarecrows, but was not to keen on the giant spider!

Rilee loves slides! Dad helped her climb the giant tree and then once she got to the top she got to go down the tree slide all by herself!

Finally, Rilee went into the petting zoo to see the goats. She was really excited to see the goats until one of them turned quickly and went after her. After we reassured her she was back to having fun, but stayed a good distance from the goats!

Rilee had a great time at the zoo. She loved looking at all of the animals and all of the other kids in their Halloween costumes. It was a beautiful fall day and a great way to spend the afternoon!

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