Saturday, December 18, 2010

Tub Time!

Up until last night Rilee has still been using her baby tub for bath time. The big tub is just too slippery for her to sit in. Well, while finishing Christmas shopping mom and dad bought Rilee a Disney Princess mat to put in the tub so she could take a "big girl" bath. She loved it! She had room to stretch out and play with her bath toys. The only thing she couldn't figure out was why all of her toys kept floating away. This never happened in her other tub because it was so small.

Rilee is now officially crawling and into everything! She especially likes the computer cords and dad's xbox! She now has 3 teeth in and another 2 coming in. Mom and dad can't wait until Christmas! It will be so fun to see her open presents, well she will probably try to eat the paper more than open the presents, but it will still be fun to watch!

1 comment:

  1. Very cute pictures! I told you about the, Hudson is obsessed with them!
