Friday, December 31, 2010

My First Christmas!

Well, first of all let me say choosing what pictures to put on this blog was a very hard decision! We have 154 pictures of Rilee's first Christmas, yes I know that is ridiculous, but it was so much fun I felt like I had to capture every moment! Our Christmas started at Grambo and Big Poppy's the 23rd. We celebrated with Big Poppy's side of the family. Rilee had a lot of fun opening her presents and hanging out with all of her cousins. We finally got all of the great grandchildren together for a picture with Great Busia! Then on Christmas Eve we headed to Great Grandma's for dinner and an enjoyable evening with our extended family on Great Grandma's side. Christmas Day was filled with a lot of gift opening and food! Rilee started by opening presents from Santa. She loved her big learning house. It is really interactive and she can even crawl through it! And since crawling is what she loves to do it was perfect. Way to go Santa! After Rilee opened all of her presents from Santa, mom and dad exchanged presents and mom got a new video camera that can also take regular pictures and can even go under water! Brutus then got to open his presents as well. Rilee decided she really liked the toys Brutus got the best and even teased Brutus with them. We then all packed up and headed to Grambo and Big Poppy's where we exchanged gifts with them, Aunt Ashlee, and Uncle Bill. Rilee got some really cool toys and clothes there as well. Her favorites were a learning kitchen, a stuffed laptop, a stuffed tea set, and her very fashionable boots from Aunt Ashlee and Uncle Bill! Rilee again liked to tease Tucker with his dog toys. We then made stops at Great Aunt Cindy's and Grandpa Pop's. These stops were more presents and food! Rilee had a great time playing with her cousins and her Uncle Nate! Finally on the 26th we went back over to Great Grandma's to exchange gifts with her, Great Aunt Karen and Uncle Don, and Craig, Eric, and Katie. Rilee enjoyed opening presents again there. Mom and Dad had so much fun watching Rilee with all of her new toys and having fun with her family. We can't believe it is already over!

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