Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Turkey Day!

We have two days of Thanksgiving. On Wednesday we went to Grambo and Big Poppy's for dinner. Rilee wore her Turkey Day outfit, with her Thanksgiving bib, turkey hair ribbon, and even her turkey socks! Here's Rilee playing with Big Poppy!

Here she is showing off her outfit!

Rilee even got to sit at the table with the adults! She loved being a part of the fun!

Before we went home Rilee got a bath in Grambo's tub and put her turkey p.j.'s on!

Here she is relaxing with Grambo before we went home!

On Thanksgiving Day we made several stops. First we went to Great Aunt Cindy's for dinner. We then went to Grandma Cathy's and finally to Great Aunt Karen's. The pictures below are from Great Aunt Karen's. Rilee got her handmade Christmas Stocking from Ciocia (Great Aunt Judy) It was beautiful! In the picture you can see that Rilee was more interested in eating it, Mommy loved it though, it will look great on our stocking holder for Christmas!

Rilee was also very interested in her shiny pink shoes, in fact she couldn't take her eyes off of them!

Lilli, also got a Christmas Stocking. This is Rilee and Lilli with their stockings on Great Uncle Tim's lap.

Finally, all of Busia's little great grandchildren got together for a picture. The 2 bigger great grandchildren had already left. This is little David, Rilee, Lauren, and Lilli! Cutest bunch of cousins I've ever seen!

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