Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Happy Halloween

Rilee, being the spoiled little girl that she is, had 3 Halloween outfits (not including her costume). She wore her first outfit on October 29th. This was her day to spend with Dad while Mom was at work. Rilee and Dad visited Big Poppy and fixed his computer. They also just hung out at home. Rilee is such a Daddy's girl. She lights up when he walks in the room!

Rilee wore her second Halloween outfit on October 30th which was her day to spend with Mom while Dad was at work. Rilee and Mom went shopping and out to lunch with Grambo and Great Grandma.

Rilee wore her third Halloween outfit(right on Halloween) to church and then out to breakfast!

Rilee was a pink fluffy bunny for Halloween. She went around "trick-or-treating" to her Great Grandma's, Great Busia's, and several of her Great Aunt and Uncle's. Rilee then sat on Mom's lap while Dad passed out candy to all of the trick-or-treaters. Grambo, Aunt Ashlee, Uncle Bill, Great Aunt Cindy, Cousin Ashley, Uncle Nate, the Malathongs, and the Rollins all joined us to pass out treats this year. We sat around a fire and enjoyed watching all of the kids in their costumes. It was a lot of fun and Rilee really enjoyed herself!

After about an hour and a half in her costume, Rilee wanted to change into something comfortable! Here she is at the end of passing out candy all bundled up in mom's arms!

Rilee is growing up so fast! She has now tried squash, carrots, and sweet potatoes! She is extremely close to sitting up. Rilee can sit without support for a couple of minutes, but then falls over. She loves her activity jumper and tried her jenny jump up for the first time about a week ago. Her Mom and Dad are having a ton of fun watching her grow!

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