Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Birthday Present From Mommy and DaDa

Dada and Mommy bought Rilee a new swing set for her birthday. The weather cooperated with Dada last weekend so he built the swing set a little early. Rilee loved it! These pictures are all of the first time she played on it! The only downfall to the swing set is that Rilee HATES to have to come in the house after playing! She throws a full on tantrum when it is time to stop playing...Mommy has a feeling her and Rilee will be spending a LOT of time outside this summer! Rilee will be 2 on Friday! Mommy and Dada can't believe 2 years have already passed! She is growing up so fast! Mommy will post pictures from Rilee's several birthday parties as we celebrate! This was her reaction when she first saw the swing set. She just stood there staring at it before she took off running toward it!

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