Sunday, November 27, 2011

Busy Saturday

Saturday was a very busy day! We started the day off with watching the Ohio State vs. Michigan game. Even though Rilee was a great cheerleader for the Buckeyes, they were defeated.

Rilee only watched a very little bit of the game because she was too busy "working out." She discovered the weights and work out equipment when Grambo took her to get a snack and then it was very hard to get her to stop long enough to watch the game.

It was a beautiful November day and reached 60 degrees, so after the game we went home and waited for Daddy to get off work. When he got home Grambo and Poppy came over and we all went to the zoo to see the Lights Before Christmas. We had a great time! Rilee was overwhelmed with all that there was to look at. She was ooohing and aaahing the whole time. Her favorite light display was the "dancing" lights that moved and blinked to Christmas music. She even danced a little!

Rilee had the best seat in the house!

This is the tree where Daddy proposed to Mommy six years ago! Or like Mommy likes to say "where it all began!"

It was a really great night! Mommy and Daddy were so glad Grambo and Poppy could join us! Rilee loved it! Her eyes never stopped moving from light display to light display. She also added sound effects to the animal light displays. Rilee does great animal sounds!

At the end of the night we let Rilee walk on her own. She was so excited that she didn't walk, but ran through the rest of the lights. It was so crowded Mommy and Daddy made sure we had a good grip on her little hands and ran right with her!

It was a great night and one that Mommy and Daddy will never forget!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving! On Wednesday we went to Great Aunt Karen's for dinner and then on Thursday we went to Grandpa Pop's for dinner, Grandma Cathy's, and finally to Great Aunt Karla's. Of course Rilee, being the diva that she is, had more than one Thanksgiving outfit so we had to do several changes throughout the holiday. It was a great two days of food and family!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween

Just like last year Rilee had several Halloween outfits. She wore the first one on the Wednesday before Halloween on her day with Dad. Then she wore the next outfit on Saturday while she hung out with Mom. Rilee wore her third outfit to church on Sunday and then to Great Grandma's house for dinner.

Playing with Grambo

Rilee loved sitting in her toy basket at Great Grandma's. Great Aunt Karen even gave her rides in the basket!

Finally, Halloween came and Rilee got to be an elephant! We had quite a crowd this year. Grambo, Poppy, Great Aunt Cindy, Cousin Ashley, Uncle Nate, Aunt Vita, Baby Layla, Shane, Shavon, and Shane Jr all came to our house. Here's Rilee and Brutus patiently waiting for everyone to get to the house!

Since Rilee was too little to carve her own pumpkin this year Mom and Dad let her paint it. She loved it! She did get it all over, good thing Mom had her paint in only her diaper! Then when we went to Great Grandma's house Poppy helped her carve a 2nd pumpkin. Poppy did the carving, but Rilee helped clean out all of the seeds. Again, Mom thought it would be a good idea to have her carve her pumpkin in only her diaper.

Rilee loved watching the kids trick-or-treating at our house. Mom and Dad thought Rilee was still too young to trick-or-treat, but she still had a great night! She even hugged a random little boy that was dressed as Elmo. Unfortunatly, Mom did not have her camera ready!

Rilee, Shane Jr., and Layla all made it for most of the night, but at about 7:15 it started getting pretty cold so the kids and the moms all came inside. Rilee loved showing Shane Jr. all of her toys. It was a great night!