Sunday, October 23, 2011

Pumpkin Path At The Zoo

On Saturday Rilee, Mom, Dad, Grambo, and Poppy went to the pumpkin path at the zoo. Rilee got dressed up in her Halloween costume and had a GREAT time. Rilee's favorite animal is the elephant so that is what she dressed up as. She made elephant noises all throughout the zoo. Rilee made a really good elephant!

The seals and polar bear

Waiting for the safari train

Riding the train
Rilee did a lot of pointing, calling, and yelling to all of the animals we saw on the train.

Having a few apple slices while sitting on the Halloween displays. Rilee loved looking at the pumpkins and the scarecrows, but was not to keen on the giant spider!

Rilee loves slides! Dad helped her climb the giant tree and then once she got to the top she got to go down the tree slide all by herself!

Finally, Rilee went into the petting zoo to see the goats. She was really excited to see the goats until one of them turned quickly and went after her. After we reassured her she was back to having fun, but stayed a good distance from the goats!

Rilee had a great time at the zoo. She loved looking at all of the animals and all of the other kids in their Halloween costumes. It was a beautiful fall day and a great way to spend the afternoon!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Pumpkin Farm

It was a beautiful weekend here! It was close to 80 degrees on Saturday so we took Rilee to the pumpkin farm. Mom, Dad, Grambo, Big Poppy, Aunt Ashlee, Unlce Bill, and Champ all went with Rilee. She was a little overwhelmed at first, but warmed up quickly. She had to look at EVERYTHING! She went through all of the rows of pumpkins, walked through a maze, went down the slide, went on the hayride, looked at the goats, chickens, and dogs. She had a great time!

Rilee especially loved the goats. She pet them, fed them, and yes even tried to kiss one!

The Toledo Humane Society was at the pumpkin farm. Rilee LOVES dogs so of course she had to pet at least one of them. She chose the pug since it was just her size. Champ also loved to see the other dogs. Poor Brutus would have loved it too, but Mom and Dad thought it would be a little too much to handle with Rilee, Brutus, and Champ all at the farm at the same time.

Rilee loves to climb so she loved getting to the top bleacher of pumpkins and looking out at the field of corn. She loved looking at all of the pumpkins and gourds. She even had to kiss a couple!

We all went on a hay ride (except Uncle Bill because he had to stay back with Champ). Rilee loved looking at the corn, pumpkins, and all the scenery at the pumpkin farm. She pointed at everything!

Rilee thinks she can pick up anything that she wants...even if it weighs more than she does!

Worn out from all the fun she had!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Getting Ready for Halloween

Rilee helped Mom and Dad put out the Halloween decorations yesterday! She is very into Halloween this year. She is constantly playing with a Frankenstein that Mom has in the house. She also loves to look at the rest of the decorations. Mom and Dad can't wait to take her to the pumpkin farm!

Maumee Bay

Last weekend Grambo and Big Poppy camped at Maumee Bay. Since Maumee Bay is only 10 minutes from our house we visited Grambo and Big Poppy Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Rilee loved feeding the ducks in the pond behind the campsite. She also loved going to the playground. It was a great weekend!