Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Summer Is Here!

Mommy is officially on summer break! It has been awhile since I posted pictures of Rilee so here are a bunch of what we have been up to the past couple weeks! Now that Mom is on break I'm sure we will be very busy enjoying summer. Daddy's first week of vacation starts Friday! Both Mom and Rilee are very excited for him to be able to join in all of the summer fun!

Here we are flower shopping! Rilee loved looking at all the flowers and even carrying around a bowl from a bird bath!

Rilee went to the park for a graduation party and discovered side walk chalk. She had fun "writing" on the sidewalk with Dad!

Great Aunt Kristie has been hard at work! She not only knits hats, but a dress as well! This adorable dress arrived in the mail a couple of weeks ago. Rilee wore it to church and got a lot of attention! The blue is the perfect color for Rilee because it brings out her beautiful blue eyes!

Rilee loves to relax with her best friend, Brutus!

Rilee loves to swim! She especially loves floating in our new pool! Mommy, Daddy and Rilee all love to float around and relax in the pool. It has been really hot here so we have used the pool a lot the past couple of days!

Here she is getting ready for church!

Rilee loves to run around Grambo and Big Poppy's backyard. She also spent the afternoon swinging and taking a dip in her baby pool!

Here she is waiting for Mommy to get ready to go shopping. Rilee needed new tennis shoes so that she is ready for all the camping we are going to do this summer!

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