Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Aunt Ashlee and Uncle Bill's New House

Aunt Ashlee and Uncle Bill bought a new house and Rilee really enjoyed hanging out over there and checking the place out. Aunt Ashlee had her "pretties" (necklaces) laying on the floor in the living room and Rilee just had to put one on. She looks so pretty with her pearls. Rilee and Dad had fun looking out the big front window and playing on the floor. Rilee even found an old Eagles jersey that she decided she must put on. Our future Clay Eagle!
Rilee is cruising around the furniture and getting even more teeth. She will have 8 once the new ones come in! Mom and Dad are having so much fun playing with Rilee, even though she totally wears them out. She never stops! She definitely has Dad's energy and need to constantly be moving!

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