Thursday, August 12, 2010

Rilee and Lilliann

On Monday we went to my Aunt Karen's (my dad's sister) for a cookout. My cousin, Emily, was in town from Missouri so we all wanted a chance to see her. At the cookout Rilee got to meet her new baby cousin Lilliann that was born July 19. They are 11 weeks apart so holidays should be a blast in the upcoming years! The first picture is of the grandmas. My mom is holding Lilliann and my Aunt Karen (Lilliann's grandma) is holding Rilee. We even posed the girls together, although neither one of them liked it very much. Great Busia wanted to make sure she got a picture with both of her great granddaughters. While that picture was being taken we realized we had all but one of the girl cousins together, which almost never happens, so we captured the rare moment. It was a fun evening and Rilee and I enjoyed ourselves very much!

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