Saturday, July 24, 2010

Baptism and Father's Day

Rilee was baptised on June 20, 2010. Here she is getting ready to go to church. My sister Ashlee and her boyfriend Bill were Rilee's godparents. Here we all are after the church service. She was a really good girl during the service. She didn't really like the way Aunt Ashlee had to hold her to get water put on her head so she whimpered a little then, but that was it!
After church my mom and dad had a BBQ at their house. It was both a celebreation for Rilee and for Father's Day. Here she is sleeping for pictures at Grambo and Big Poppy's house.

Rilee got her dad a new Camaro hat in inferno orange just like his Camaro. She also bought him 3 onesies that have sayings on them about his Camaro. This one says "I love my daddy's camaro." She also got one that says "My daddy drives a camaro" and "NED4SPED" (Need for Speed) which is Chuck's license plate. Chuck really enjoyed his first Father's Day!

1 comment:

  1. Her baptism dress is beautiful. The onesies are pretty cute too!
