Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Newest Members Of The WOLFPACK

Chuck and I had our friends Shane and Shavon and their little boy Shane II over for dinner yesterday. Chuck's brother Nate, his girlfriend Vita and her little boy Sammy also came over. Rilee really enjoyed having another baby in the house. Her and little Shane cried back and forth to each other like they were talking. I also really enjoyed having another new mom to talk to. It was nice to realize we had the same fears and difficulties, like trimming nails...SCARY!

For those of you that are not familiar with the Wolfpack here is a little background. Chuck calls his employees the Wolfpack. When he worked at Staples they had an exceptional team so the Wolfpack was known throughout the company. Four of the members of the Wolfpack became close friends, and although they are now located all over the country they still remain close. All four of them even wear armbands that say Wolfpack. There is Chuck, Shane (Michigan), Chris (Kentucky), and Jeff (Florida). Two of the members of the Wolfpack have had children in the last couple of months. Rilee came in May and Shane II in June. Yesterday was the first time that the 2 babies met. So, I had onesies made to welcome them to the Wolfpack. We even had them pose for pictures. Rilee is the only female member of the Wolfpack, she is very honored!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Camping at Kelley's Island

July 9, 2010 - July 16, 2010
Rilee was a very good girl on her first camping trip. She went for a couple of walks, had some outside camp baths, watched the boats come and go on the water, and loved getting to spend time with her family all week! Here she is with her shades!

Getting ready for a walk using the MOBY wrap. What a great invention!

Sitting in her bouncer while we eat. Smiles for everyone!

Aunt Ashlee and Big Brother Brutus on the boat. Rilee was still too little for a boat ride, but Great Aunt Karen Holmes was more than willing to watch her while Mom, Dad, Grambo, Big Poppy, Aunt Ashlee, and Brutus went for a ride.

There is nothing like a camp nap on mommy's lap!

Uncle Bill and Rilee getting ready to go on a walk!

Rilee was helping mom play Scrabble. Even with Rilee's help, mom could still not beat dad. Dad's winning streak is now at 9 years!

Taking my bath outside is great! There is so much to look at!

We took a day to go shopping in town and dad carried Rilee around while she napped.

Finally, it was time to go home. Rilee and Brutus both slept the whole way home!

Fourth of July and 2 months!

Our fourth of July/ 2 month birthday was very busy. First we went to church with Grambo. It was really cute because all of the young children had on their fourth of July outfits. Here's Rilee in her's! Then we headed to Grandpa Popovich's for a BBQ. Rilee had a hard time waking up to visit once we got there.
Like all young diva's Rilee had to change her outfit halfway through the day. She was giving me a very bad look in this picture telling me it was time to get out of the heat and home to the air conditioning. It was a great day!

Washing the Camaro

July 2, 2010
Chuck is obsessed with washing his Camaro. Rilee, Brutus and I like to sit outside and watch. Rilee sits in her bouncer and Brutus lays on the gargage floor. This picture is before we went outside. You can tell by Rilee's face that she is really excited to watch! Here's Chuck and his prized possession!
All smiles for dad and the Camaro!

Baptism and Father's Day

Rilee was baptised on June 20, 2010. Here she is getting ready to go to church. My sister Ashlee and her boyfriend Bill were Rilee's godparents. Here we all are after the church service. She was a really good girl during the service. She didn't really like the way Aunt Ashlee had to hold her to get water put on her head so she whimpered a little then, but that was it!
After church my mom and dad had a BBQ at their house. It was both a celebreation for Rilee and for Father's Day. Here she is sleeping for pictures at Grambo and Big Poppy's house.

Rilee got her dad a new Camaro hat in inferno orange just like his Camaro. She also bought him 3 onesies that have sayings on them about his Camaro. This one says "I love my daddy's camaro." She also got one that says "My daddy drives a camaro" and "NED4SPED" (Need for Speed) which is Chuck's license plate. Chuck really enjoyed his first Father's Day!

Getting Caught Up

Here are some of my favorite pictures of Rilee from when we brought her home (first picture) to June 13th (last picture).

She's Here!

Since I am just starting this page and Rilee is almost 3 months old already, I decided I won't put a ton of pictures from when she was born, although I do have a ton! This is my favorite picture of our hospital stay! She was born on May 4, 2010 at 4:08 am. She weighed 6 lbs. 12 oz. and was 20 in. long! She was perfectly healthy and absolutely beautiful!