Sunday, November 4, 2012

Happy Halloween

Rilee actually had 2 days of Halloween this year! Due to the weather Halloween was rescheduled. BoBo and Poppy had Halloween on Friday so we took Rilee over to their house to trick-or-treat! This was her first year trick-or-treating and she did very well. She said "trick-or-treat" and "thank you" at every house. It was pretty cold so she only made it to about 10 houses, but we didn't think that was too bad for a first time. Then on Saturday we had Halloween at our house. We decided to just have Rilee help us pass out candy. I'm not sure what she enjoyed more passing out candy or actually trick-or-treating. She really enjoyed giving other kids candy and wishing them a "Happy Halloween." Mommy and Daddy can't believe how big our little girl is getting! We had a great time both days!