Saturday, July 28, 2012

Camping at Kelley's Island

We got back from our annual camping trip to Kelley's Island a couple of days ago. We had a blast! Rilee LOVED camping! She loved going to "the pool" (the beach), riding in Poppy's boat, walking around town, and just hanging out with all of her favorite people at the camper!
Although it is hard to tell, we all have our Kelley's Island t-shirts on in this picture. We were trying to get the backs of our shirts, but obviously were unsuccessful!
The last time I posted I said that Rilee was potty training. Well, she is completely potty trained. She even sleeps in big girl undies at night!!! She was almost too easy to train! I guess that's the benefit of waiting until we knew she was really ready!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Summer Fun

It has been a long time since I last posted. Both our laptop and desktop computers were down for several weeks! Since I last posted Rilee has been a very busy little girl! You will see pictures of Rilee's first baseball game, washing the car with Dada, and playing with her friend Shane!
Rilee was also the flower girl in Aunt Ashlee and Uncle Bill's wedding. Mommy never thought she would walk down the aisle by herself, but she proved everyone wrong and RAN down the aisle with a big smile on her face! These are pictures from rehearsal, rehearsal dinner, and the wedding. These are just pictures I took. When the professional pictures are done I will be sure to post some of those as well!
Since the wedding we have enjoyed having DaDa home and we have gone to the zoo, watched fireworks at BoBo and Poppy's house, and done A LOT of swimming in our pool.
Rilee is turning into such a big girl. We started potty training her a week ago and she is doing an EXCELLENT job! She also went and saw her first movie in a movie theater and sat through the whole thing! Rilee LOVES to swim in our pool, so Mommy and DaDa took a chance and bought her floatees for her arms. She put them on yesterday and took off swimming around the pool. Dada and Mommy can't believe how big she is getting and how independent she is becoming!