Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Zoo

On Friday Mom, Dad, and Rilee went to the zoo for the first time this season! Rilee was a little intimidated by the animals this time. Mommy thinks its because she is so much more aware of their size. Rilee still LOVED the elephant, even when it came right up to her! We had to sit and watch the elephant for quite awhile! Rilee's favorite part of the day was walking from statue to statue! Last time we went she loved the animals and was scared of the statues, this time that switched. She literally ran from statue to statue! It was a great day!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter!

Daddy was in Phoenix all last week. Rilee and Mommy really missed him! We are getting new living room furniture so it is currently kind of everywhere! Mommy made a fort for Rilee out of the couch in the middle of the room and blankets. Rilee couldn't wait to have Daddy play with her in her fort!

After Daddy and Rilee played in the fort we met Grambo at the library for Easter story time and an Easter egg hunt! Mommy and Daddy weren't real sure how Rilee would do hunting for eggs, but she loved it!

She did have to stop and pick some dandelions along the way!

The Easter Bunny was even at the library! Rilee only wanted to go near him if Mommy and Daddy were with her!

After the library we went to breakfast and then Rilee spent the afternoon at Grambo's while Mommy and Daddy did some running around. When Mommy and Daddy were done with their errands we went over to Grambo and Poppy's for dinner and another Easter egg hunt! Uncle Bill and Aunt Ash were there too!

After the egg hunt we went inside and colored eggs. Rilee was very excited to get started. She thought the cups to put the colors in were really cool!

Mommy saw an idea on Pinterest to put the eggs in a whisk and then let toddlers dip the whisk into the color. Rilee loved this and did a really good job coloring all of the eggs.

We woke up Easter morning to find that the Easter Bunny had made a stop at our house. Rilee was very upset that he didn't wipe his feet before he came in. He left foot prints all over our house! The Easter Bunny brought Rilee a basketball hoop, her very own laptop, an Easter book, a Buzz Lightyear Pez dispenser (Buzz is Rilee's favorite character),and some snacks! The Easter Bunny also hid some eggs that Rilee had a lot of fun looking for!

After we played with the stuff the bunny brought we went to church. After church we went over to Grambo and Poppy's for breakfast. The Easter Bunny came to their house too! The bunny also went to Aunt Ash and Uncle Bill's, Great Grandma's, Grandma Cathy's, and Great Aunt Karla's. Rilee got baskets everywhere she went! She got several new outfits, a singing bunny, new books, candy, bubbles, and sidewalk chalk. After breakfast we went to Grandma Cathy's, Great Aunt Cindy's, and finally to Great Aunt Karla's! It was a very busy day, but great to see all of our family!