Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Circus Is In Town!

We took Rilee to the circus this afternoon. Aunt Ashlee, Uncle Bill, and Grambo went with us. Rilee was very unsure of the giant elephant that was walking around and the clowns! Once we were in our seats and the animals and clowns were farther away from us she got excited.

Aunt Ashlee caught Rilee a balloon and it was one of the highlights of the afternoon.

Rilee LOVED the lions and tigers at the beginning of the circus. She also enjoyed the first couple of human circus acts, but then she got really sleepy!

Rilee slept through several circus acts and all through intermission. She woke up rather cranky for the second part of the circus, but perked right up when she saw the elephants walk in. Rilee LOVES elephants! She also really enjoyed the last act of the afternoon, the dirt bikes! It was a fun afternoon for all of us! Great idea Grambo!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Aunt Ashlee, Grambo, Great Grandma, Rilee, and Mommy spent most of St. Patrick's Day out shopping. We looked for some things for Aunt Ashlee's wedding and then we bought Rilee some short sleeved clothes and her Easter dress. Mommy was not prepared for this warm weather to come so soon, so Rilee needed some new play clothes that were not sweatshirts! Of course Rilee being the diva that she is had her St. Patrick's Day outfit on!

When we got home from shopping and Daddy got off work Mommy and Daddy washed their cars. Daddy is training Rilee early to keep his Camaro clean and shiny! Rilee LOVED helping Daddy!

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Daddy's birthday is next week, so Grambo and Poppy had his birthday dinner at their house Saturday.

Rilee couldn't wait to go to Grambo and Poppy's. She waited for Daddy to get ready by staring out the door in anticipation!

This outfit is one of Aunt Ashlee's purchases...only Aunt Ashlee would buy an outfit with a tutu and leg warmers!

Rilee loves to do puzzles! Here she is working on one with Aunt Ashlee and then later in the night working on another one with Daddy.

Grambo found some of Mommy and Aunt Ashlee's old babies. Rilee loved rocking them and taking care of them!

Here's Rilee helping Daddy with his candles!