Saturday, February 18, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

Rilee had a nice Valentine's Day! She made Valentine's for all of her family! She really like passing them out! Rilee even got to go out to dinner with Mommy, Daddy, Grambo, Poppy, Aunt Ash, Uncle Bill, and Great Grandma! Rilee being the spoiled Princess that she is got her first game and Lady and the Tramp Blu Ray from Grambo and Poppy. Poppy also got Rilee a stuffed teddy bear! Great Grandma got Rilee 2 Valentine's books and some candy!

Even Brutus got a Valentine's Day present!

Mommy and Daddy got Rilee a microwave and some new food to go with her kitchen. She was very excited!

She had to show Brutus how it worked right away!

Playing In The Snow

We have had the strangest winter this year. We got our first "real" snow fall last Saturday. Rilee got new snow pants and snow boots for Christmas and this was the first time she got to use them. She LOVED the snow! Daddy pushed her around on a sled and Brutus chased her. After about a half an hour we asked her if she was ready to go in and she screamed, "NO!" Unfortunately Mommy and Daddy were really getting cold so we forced her to go in. Every time she sees her boots and snow pants she points outside and says, "snow." Although most people don't agree with us, we would like to have at least a couple more snowy days, and Mommy would really like a snow day!