Monday, January 16, 2012

Busy Girl

Last Thursday, Rilee went to the dentist with Mommy. She got to ride in the dentist chair, look at the light, and got a new toothbrush! The dentist wanted to count her teeth and take a look in her mouth, but she refused to open her mouth for him. Rilee loves to brush her teeth, but just didn't want to show off her pearly whites to the dentist. We will try again when Daddy goes in February.

On Saturday, we went to a birthday party for Rilee's cousin Sammy. When Mommy was doing Rilee's hair she got into the drawer under her changing table and found a pacifier from when she was very little and her sunglasses. What a little DIVA!

Rilee had a good time at the birthday party. She napped for the first hour of the party, but when she woke up she slowly warmed up to the other kids and discovered all of the balloons on the floor. She tried to pick up as many as she could. At one time she had 7 balloons!