Thursday, August 25, 2011

Mommy's Last Days of Summer

Mommy had to go back to work this week, so last week we took advantage of Mommy and Daddy's mutual days off and went to the park and to the zoo. Rilee loved Daddy's superman ice cream and going down the big slides all by herself. She also loved the train at the zoo.

The Park

The Zoo

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Camping at Mohican

We went to stay with Grambo and Big Poppy at Mohican State Park for a couple of days. Rilee loved swimming in the pool and playing in the river with the dogs.

Rilee enjoyed a lot of walks with her sunglasses on! She thinks she is hot stuff with her shades on! Before we went swimming we let Rilee go crazy with a piece of watermelon. She loved eating it without a fork! We then headed to the pool. Rilee loves jumping off of the side of the pool and letting Daddy throw her up high in the air. We then took the dogs to the river. Rilee took a ride on Brutus to get her out of the water.

I know it is hard to believe, but Rilee IS wearing a Notre Dame shirt. A couple of weeks before we left for Mohican Rilee got a surprise in the mail. Great Aunt Judy sent Rilee a Notre Dame shirt. Aunt Judy has been the only ND fan in the family for a long time, then Uncle Bill came along. Great Aunt Judy figures while Rilee is young she can try to get her to cheer for ND so she sent her the shirt. Rilee loved wearing the shirt. It is still a little big so she got to wear it with only a diaper! She helped Grambo cook dinner with the shirt on and even got to wear it home. Once we got home she played some games with Dad. Daddy turned around and found Rilee sound asleep in the chair, so she even got to sleep in her ND shirt. I don't know, it kind of seems like Great Aunt Judy might be swaying Rilee to cheer for the Fighting Irish. I'm sure Uncle Bill would be happy too.