Tuesday, July 19, 2011

First Hair Cut and Camping at Kelley's Island

First Hair Cut
Here are some pictures of Rilee getting her hair cut for the first time. She did a really good job of sitting still and behaving herself!

Kelley's Island
We went camping at Kelley's Island from Friday July 8th to Thursday July 14th. Rilee was such a good girl! She really loved being with her whole family. Mommy and Daddy were way more tired then she was by the end of the week. Rilee NEVER stops moving and it was very hard to "contain" her while camping so we all took turns chasing her around the campground.

Grambo and Big Poppy bought Rilee a bike seat that went on Grambo's bike. Rilee loved going on bike rides with the whole family!

Daddy took Rilee to the playground while Mommy helped with dishes and they came back looking "Ghetto Fabulous."

Daddy went fishing on the pier so Rilee brought her chalk and we chalked the pier. Rilee was covered in chalk by the time we were done so it was a good thing she had not had her bath for the night yet!

Rilee discovered that she can walk Brutus! Rilee got to go for a boat ride this year! She didn't love it, but she didn't hate it either. Rilee helped Big Poppy drive the boat and even got to go swimming off the boat. Mommy's camera died when she was driving the boat and swimming, so unfortunately I don't have any pictures to show. Grambo got pictures on her camera though! Rilee did really well in the lake when she was swimming off of the boat even though Grambo was having a nervous breakdown the whole time! Rilee wasn't really sure about the lake and the beach to begin with, but she warmed up to them quickly. She loved floating on the raft with Daddy and digging in the sand on the beach!