Saturday, May 28, 2011

One Year Pictures!

Rilee had her one year pictures taken about 2 weeks ago at Maumee Bay State Park. They are posted for everyone to see at the website below. Please check them out, they are adorable! It is really funny for mom to look back at her other milestone pictures because they are all posed. But, now that Rilee is walking there was no posing her this time around. She was on the move the whole time!
Here is the website

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Is it summer yet?

Rilee is ready for summer! She loves to be outside! She got a bunch of new outside toys for her birthday and she has loved trying them all out. Mom and Dad can't wait for it to be summer either!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Happy Birthday To Rilee!

Rilee Jean had her first birthday party at Grambo and Big Poppy's house yesterday! She won't officially be 1 until Wednesday, but she really enjoyed all of the attention and the time she got to spend with her family and friends. The party was fantastic! Mom was really afraid that Rilee would be afraid of all the people, but she was the happy little girl she always is! Mom also didn't know how Rilee would react to her birthday outfit which included a tutu! But, to Mom's surprise she loved being a little princess. She even allowed Mom to put her birthday hat on for a little while.

The cake and cookies at the party were adorable. They matched our napkins and theme perfectly!

There is a Polish tradition to present a baby, on their first birthday, with a shot glass, a rosary, and a silver coin. The tradition says that the item that the baby picks up first will determine the path that the baby's life will follow. The shot glass would indicate that Rilee would be a party girl. The rosary would mean that religion would play a huge role in her life, and finally the coin would indicate that she would become rich. Rilee chose the coin!

Rilee didn't go too crazy with her cake, but she sure liked the frosting! She had frosting in her hair, on her shoes, and all over her hands and belly. Mom and Aunt Ashlee had to give her a quick bath when she was done.

Rilee got a ton of GREAT gifts! She is one spoiled little girl! Mom and Dad are going to have to spend a whole day setting everything up so that she can play with all of it! She did get a chance to try out her new swing set from Grambo and Big Poppy and her wagon from Great Grandma. She also really enjoyed carrying around her purse from Great Busia. To end the evening she got to relax outside and chase bubbles she got from Great Aunt Cindy!

All in all it was a great day! Mom, Dad, and Rilee really appreciate Grambo and Big Poppy having the party and all of our family and friends attending. Mom and Dad can't believe our little bundle of joy is already one! The big picture at the top of the blog is of Rilee the day she was born! We can't believe how much she has changed and the little girl she has become!