Saturday, March 26, 2011


Rilee had a very busy Friday! First, she started out hanging out with Dad and Brutus. Rilee loves to walk along the furniture and eat cheerios! Rilee has now realized that she can feed her best friend Brutus too. So, Rilee eats a cheerio and then Brutus gets one! Then, Friday evening Mom and Dad had their friends over and they brought their son Shane. Rilee was very excited to have someone her age to play with. They got along great and played for a couple of hours. Rilee really enjoyed having Shane over and can't wait for him to come again!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Rilee was the cutest little leprechaun on St. Patrick's Day! She enjoyed hanging out at home for most of the day. It was almost 70 degrees out so when Mom got home from school Grambo and Aunt Ashlee met at our house and we all went for a long walk. I'm not sure who enjoyed it more Rilee or Brutus! When Dad got home from work we then went out to dinner with Grambo and Big Poppy.
Rilee is getting very close to taking her first steps. She stands alone and walks behind her walker.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Hats Off to Great Aunt Kristie!

Last week Rilee got a surprise gift in the mail from Great Aunt Kristie, who lives in Missouri. When she opened it she was very excited to see two handmade knitted hats! Not only were these hats made with love, but they matched two of Rilee's favorite outfits perfectly! She was very excited to show them off!
Rilee and mom are feeling much better this week! They both had a bad cough and stuffy nose. Now that Rilee is back to her old self she has started to walk behind a walker. She thinks she is a real big shot when she does it and laughs the whole time! Mom and dad can't believe how fast she is growing up!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

9/10 Month Pictures

Rilee had her 9 month pictures taken a little late, so really they are her 9/10 month pictures. Go to the following website, scroll all the way to the bottom, click on Rilee's picture, and make sure you see all 4 pages! They are so cute!!!

Mommy and Rilee have both been sick, so when they feel better there will be a new post, but in the mean time check out her 9/10 month pics!