Sunday, January 16, 2011

Out of Contol

Well, it has been a little bit since my last post, so I thought I would include a lot of pictures of what Rilee has been up to. Rilee is crawling like a maniac! She is OUT OF CONTROL! She is into everything, and her favorite "toy" is Brutus. Rilee is pulling herself up on anything that will support her, and poor Brutus, because he is her favorite thing to pull herself up on. Mom and Dad have had to move picture frames out of her reach and hide wires. Brutus tries to hide by sitting on the couch, but you will see in one of the pictures that Rilee still tries to get after him. Mom and Dad are so glad that Brutus is such a good dog and just lets Rilee bully him! The last picture is of Rilee with her friend, Shane, who came over last Friday. They both had fun checking each other out! Brutus was glad Rilee had someone else to play with.