Sunday, October 17, 2010

Busy Weekend

Last weekend we were all very busy! On Saturday we went to Great Grandma's for Grambo and Big Poppy's birthdays. Rilee wore her OSU gear to support the Buckeyes! Then on Sunday we went to the applebutter festival. Rilee really enjoyed watching all of the people from mom's belly (in her carrier). She sported her sun hat and sunglasses. It was a beautiful day and got up to around 85 degrees.
Rilee is getting so big! She is getting really close to sitting up on her own! She has her two bottom front teeth, and she tried squash (her first "real food"). Her mom and dad can't believe how fast she is growing. She is extremely alert and loves to just sit and check everything out. Rilee is getting ready for Halloween and can't wait to show off her costume!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Our Little Pumpkin

To end a very long and stressful work week, Chuck and I decided to take Rilee to the pumpkin farm for the first time to pick her pumpkin. It was a beautiful day and we had a great time! Grambo, Big Poppy, and Aunt Ashlee all met us there. Rilee, of course, picked the pumpkin with the most knots on it. You can see her admiring it in some of the pictures. Rilee was a really good girl. She even got to meet some goats, chickens, and another baby her own age! Brutus even got to go! He loved it just as much as Rilee did. All in all we all had a great time! Rilee can't wait to carve her pumpkin and pass out candy in her Halloween costume...check back to find out what she is going to be!