Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My Feet!

Rilee has discovered her feet! She can't put them down. It has made diaper changes and dressing her a little difficult!
Rilee went to her 4 month doctors appointment at the beginning of the month. She weighs 12 pounds 3 ounces and is 24 3/4 inches long!
She is also getting her first tooth! Her Mom and Dad can't believe how fast she is growing!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

3 month pictures

Rilee had her 3 month pictures taken at the beginning of the month. They are finally posted to the photographers website. They are beautiful! When you reach the site scroll towards the bottom of the page until you see Rilee's picture and the letter R. The website is www.whitedaisy.zenfolio.com Enjoy!

Getting so BIG!

I know it has been awhile since I posted anything, but we have been really busy! I am back to school so finding time to update Rilee's blog has been difficult. I have included several pictures to show how big she has gotten since my last post. The first two pictures show her enjoying her tummy time. Even Brutus gets in on the fun. The next picture is of her sitting on mom's lap while dad takes the picture. She loves to just sit and look around. Then there is a picture of her playing in her play gym/jumper. Finally, there is a picture of her in her Bumbo.