Saturday, August 31, 2013

Rilee's 3 year and Ella's 3 month pictures

Obviously, blogging has become quite a bit more difficult with 2 little girls and working full time! It has been a long time since I have posted, but everything is great! Rilee is starting preschool next week! She is very excited! Ella is getting bigger everyday! She has been rolling over for about a month and a half now! Both girls keep mom and dad busy, but we wouldn't trade it for anything! We had professional pictures taken at the end of June. Ella's features have changed slightly, but she still has all that hair! Check them out at Here are some of my favorites!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Sisterly Love!

Rilee is doing really well with her new baby sister, Ella! They have really bonded and Rilee is a big help! Here are a few of my favorites of the two of them together!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Less Than A Month!!!

We have less than a month until "baby sister" arrives! We are all very excited!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Winter Fun

Rilee really liked meeting her new cousin Jada! Mommy and Daddy hope she acts just as excited when she gets to meet her new baby sister! Mommy finally got her first snow day on Friday! Rilee and Daddy enjoyed sledding and playing in the snow!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Holiday and Winter Fun

The holidays were so much fun this year! Rilee really got into the Christmas spirit! This is us at Disney on Ice! Rilee LOVED it! She was in absolute awe of all of the characters! Bobo, Poppy, Aunt Ash, Uncle Bill, and Great Grandma all went and afterwards they said they weren't sure if they enjoyed the show or watching Rilee's reactions more!
This is Rilee practicing putting her baby in Weston's car seat at Poppy's family Christmas party.
This is about 11:00 Christmas Eve! Mommy and Daddy couldn't believe she was still awake after driving home from Great Grandma's!
Christmas morning!
Christmas afternoon at Bobo and Poppy's!
Christmas at Great Grandma's!
The first snow fall of the winter! Rilee just kept yelling, "Mommy, this is the best snow ever!"
This is Rilee "helping" Daddy put Baby Sister's bedroom together. She "helped" Daddy paint a couple of days before this and now is "helping" Daddy put her crib together!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Happy Halloween

Rilee actually had 2 days of Halloween this year! Due to the weather Halloween was rescheduled. BoBo and Poppy had Halloween on Friday so we took Rilee over to their house to trick-or-treat! This was her first year trick-or-treating and she did very well. She said "trick-or-treat" and "thank you" at every house. It was pretty cold so she only made it to about 10 houses, but we didn't think that was too bad for a first time. Then on Saturday we had Halloween at our house. We decided to just have Rilee help us pass out candy. I'm not sure what she enjoyed more passing out candy or actually trick-or-treating. She really enjoyed giving other kids candy and wishing them a "Happy Halloween." Mommy and Daddy can't believe how big our little girl is getting! We had a great time both days!

Friday, October 26, 2012


Rilee has been enjoying the nice fall weather! We took a trip to the pumpkin farm 2 weekends ago and then did the Pumpkin Path at the zoo last weekend. She had a blast at both! Mommy let Rilee help chose her Halloween costume this year. Her favorite movie is Toy Story so she either wanted to be Rex or Jessie. Mommy searched and searched for a Rex costume so she could compare, but a Rex costume was nowhere to be found so we decided Jessie would be perfect! She LOVES her cowboy hat and her very own Bulls Eye! Mommy and Daddy are trying to keep both from her until Halloween, then she can play with them all she wants!